The elbow joint is a highly complex, consisting of three osseous proportions. It is essential for the positioning of the hand in space. The close osseous structure as well as the complex joint apparatus and the cross joint musculature allow the high stability of the elbow joint when exposed to bigger movements.
During sports exercises or returning daily exposure the elbow joint can receive many possible injuries or chronical damages. For example, the elbow joint is often affected by dislocation.
You can find further information to the special diagnoses for the elbow joint on the following sites. At the moment they are only available in german, but please contact us if you have questions:
- Tennisellenbogen (Epikondylitis humeri radialis)
- Golferellenbogen (Epikondylitis humeri ulnaris)
- Bandinstabilität des Ellenbogengelenkes
- Osteochondrosis dissecans
- Freie Gelenkkörper
- Plica-Syndrom
- Ellenbogenarthrose/Ellenbogensteife